SOURCE Brazil Serrinha
ROAST Medium
CERTIFIED Rainforest Alliance
FLAVORS Milk Chocolate | Fresh Fig | Savory Spice
STORY A coffee for everyone. This medium-roast is sourced directly from the farm.
SOURCE Ethiopia
FLAVORS Strawberry | Milk Chocolate | Honeysuckle
STORY From Ethiopia, the birthplace of coffee, this light roast will delight the senses.
SOURCE Guatemala Maya Ixil de AvelinaROAST Medium
CERTIFIED USDA Organic & Fair Trade
FLAVORS Dark Chocolate | Sweet Plum | Nougat
STORY Sweet and nutty, this washed process FTO Guatemalan coffee shines throughout the cup.
SOURCE Mexico NKG Bloom El Buho - "The Owl" ROAST Dark FLAVORS Ripe Pomegranate | Baker's Chocolate | Savory Spice STORY For those who like the bolder flavors of a dark roast,...
SOURCE Mexico ROAST Dark FLAVORS Milk Chocolate | Fresh Fig | Savory Spice STORY This cup of water processed, sweet, smooth decaf coffee is not only virtually indistinguishable from its caffeinated counterpart, but some...
SOURCE Indonesia CERTIFIED USDA Organic FLAVORS Red Apple | Tangy Citrus | Sweet Chocolate STORY Using the wet hull process which is completely unique to the region gives this roast an...